


International College of Innovation x Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Conference-Innovation for Democracy

Edge research
Poster:Ms. Ching-Yi HsuPost date:2021-12-01
  【Article by International College of Innovation】
On 24th November, Prof. Wen-ling Tu, dean of International College of Innovation & director of Centre for Innovative Democracy NCCU, participating as the panelist in this year’s FNF conference: innovation for democracy. The invited scholars and experts from this panel session include Dr. Christopher, World Ethos Institute Tübinge & Former MP and Mr. Dan Barna, Union Save Romania. Together, the panel discuss on topics such as democratic progressions, deliberative democracy, representative democracy and possibilities for democratic innovations in the post-pandemic era.

Bridging across national borders, deliberative democracy transcends conventions to new possibilities and deep-rooting new ethos to civil society. Throughout the panel session, the discussants delved into the iconic cases from different countries to explore Taiwan’s new ways of democratization under the influence of fast evolving technology. In this panel, Prof. Wen-ling Tu shared the varied experiments of deliberative democracy in Taiwan, furthermore, how democracy can be seen beyond rationality, and be voiced with emotions and empathy so that a new form of democratic ethos can be trickled down from government and further into all veins of civil society in Taiwan.

Prof. Wen-ling Tu, dean of International College    Bridging across national borders, deliberative
of Innovation & director of Centre for Innovative    
 democracy transcends conventions to new
Democracy NCCU, participating as the panelist     
 possibilities and deep-rooting new ethos to
in this year’s FNF conference: innovation for           
civil society.(Photo Source:  International College
democracy.(Photo Source: 
 International College    of Innovation)
of Innovation)

 The invited scholars and experts from this panel
session include Dr. Christopher, World Ethos
Institute Tübinge & Former MP and Mr. Dan Barna,
Union Save Romania.
(Photo Source:  International
of Innovation)
Last modification time:2021-12-13 PM 2:37

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