

TitleThe Research Subsidy Incentives of Ministry of Science and Technology (hereinafter the “MOST”)

I. Processed in accordance with the instructions specified within NSTC letter Ko-Hui-Tsung-Zi No. 1110052978E dated August 17, 2022, and the National Chengchi University’s regulations for Governing Faculty Members and Researchers Applying for the Research Subsidy Incentives of National Science and Technology Council.
II. The rules regarding NCCU applications are as follows:
1. Recipients: current full-time academic researchers at NCCU who have outstanding research records and who possess following qualifications:
(1) Principal investigators who have conducted a MOST Research Project Grant in the year before the start of the current subsidy period (August 1st) and who satisfy item three of the MOST Research Project Grant guidelines.
(2) If the employee is hired after August 1 in the year before the start of the current subsidy period, then it will be limited to the first-time employed in Taiwan.
(3) The candidate must satisfy one of the conditions prescribed within Article 3 of the Guidelines.
2. Amount of award: Please see Article 7. of the regulations.
3. Duration of award: August 1, 2018 - July 31, 2019
III. Applications for the current year must be filed online. Please log on to the iNCCU system and click on Administration System (web version)/Faculty Information/Research Subsidies/Application System for MOST Subsidies. Please complete the forms online, print out hard copies (please attach documents based on the specific qualification requirements) and sign the documents. The application must be endorsed by the dean of the college or the director of the center in question, who should also provide the reasons for recommending this particular candidate. All paper documents should be submitted to the Academic Evaluation Section, Office of Research and Development before 5:00 pm on September 18, 2018. (The online system will close at 4:00 pm on September 18, 2018.)


Review Method:National Chengchi University’s regulations for Governing Faculty Members and Researchers Applying for the Research Subsidy Incentives of Ministry of Science and Technology


Contacting SectionAcademic Evaluation Section





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