
About Us

Vice President of ORD
Job titleNameOffice phone numberpersonel affairs
Vice President of Research and DevelopmentPh.D. Shih-Husn Hsu 67279◆ Assist in Administration of the research and development affairs of the university
Associate Vice President of Research and DevelopmentPh.D. Jung-Chao Ban63840◆ Assist in Administration of the research and development affairs of the university
SecurtaryMs. Huei-Ming Kao 66886◆ Administration of Academic Development Section
Administrative Specialist IMs. Ching-Yi Hsu62747◆ Arranging Vice President's schedule
◆ Sending and receiving correspondence for the Vice President
◆ Arranging meetings of Office of Research and Development
◆ R&D Newsletters and R&D Annual Reports
◆ Assisting general and personel affairs of the Office of Research and Development
JanitorMs. Neng-Hsien Ho63092◆ Receipt and delivery of all official documents
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