
Awards & Subsidies

TitlePublication of Academic Journals
ContentsApplication Date: On a rolling basis

Review Method
  1. The subsidy rate varies by type of journal.
  2. Subsidies will not be available to published academic journals that fail to be submitted in paper to the Library in accordance with the NCCU Guidelines for Academic Research Subsidies and uploaded electronically in their entirety, accompanied by a letter of authorization, to the NCCU Journal Database within six months of publication.

Application Rules

I.   Eligibility: Only academic journals published by the NCCU departments are eligible. Only one subsidy category will be available to each department.
II.  Subsidy categories: Subsidies may be utilized to pay publication related expenses (printing, reviewing, editing, and temporary staffing).
III. Subsidy rates:
  • International citation indexes SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, or EI: NT$250,000 per issue, up to NT$500,000 per year.
  • International citation index Scopus: NT$150,000 per issue, up to NT$300,000 per year.
  • Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI): NT$75,000 per issue, up to NT$150,000 per year.
  • Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI Core): NT$75,000 per issue, up to NT$150,000 per year.
  • Not in TSSCI or THCI Core: Up to NT$15,000 per year.
  • Fields without established review systems: Subsidies may be utilized to pay 40% of all publication related expenses, up to NT$15,000 per year.
  • New journals: Subsidies may be utilized to pay 40% of all publication related expenses, up to NT$50,000 per issue and NT$100,000 per year. Subsidies will be reduced by 10% each year starting in the third year, and subsidies are available up to NT$15,000 per year.

IV. Rules

  • Subsidy applications for journal publication that exceed an annual budget of NT$100,000 are subject to Article 6 of the Tendering Regulations of Central Government Entities for Procurement of a Value Not Reaching the Threshold for Publication, which states that "An entity shall not circumvent these Rules by artificially dividing any procurement of a value not reaching the threshold...", and make annual procurement on a consolidated basis.
  • In addition to submitting paper copies to the Library, recipients of NCCU subsidies for academic journal publication are required to upload electronically the journals in their entirety, accompanied by a letter of authorization, to the NCCU Journal Database within six months of publication in order to make the journals available to NCCU faculty members and students.
  • Failure to comply with the rules will result in the termination of subsidies.

Application Documents

  1. National Chengchi University Subsidized Academic Journal Publication Registration Application Form
  2. Property Procurement Form
  3. Proof of inclusion in a journal database or new journal
  4. Project quotation (price quotation)
  5. Other

Administrative Procedures:

I.   Procurement procedures:

  • Departments that apply for more than NT$100,000 in journal printing costs throughout the course of the entire year should proceed to invite tenders in accordance with the Tendering Regulations of Central Government Entities for Procurement of a Value Not Reaching the Threshold for Publication. The tender documents should be submitted for review. When the documents are approved, a Property Procurement Form should be completed and submitted to the General Service Division to facilitate price negotiation.
  • When the price is negotiated and the tender awarded, the applicant shall submit the above application documents to be approved by the appropriate levels of authority before submitting them for approval in the order of the Library, the Office of Research and Development, the Budget, Accounting and Statistics Office, the Secretariat, and the President.
  • Applicants are required to photocopy the appropriate documents and send them to the Office of Research and Development in order to facilitate reimbursement claims, maintenance and storage.

II.   Application for reimbursement:

  • Departments that receive academic journal publication subsidies shall comply with and complete the following procedure:
  • Complete and provide the National Chengchi University Subsidized Academic Journal Publication Registration Application Form (original copies marked "Approved" if first submission; or duplicate copies if not) to be stamped by the Library in order to facilitate subsequent reimbursements.
  • Paper copies of new issues, once officially published, are to be submitted to the Library and the full-text is to be upload electronically, accompanied by a letter of authorization, to the NCCU Journal Database in order to make the journals available to NCCU faculty members and students.
  • Recipients of academic journal publication subsidies in the current year are required to complete the reimbursement procedure at the Budget, Accounting and Statistics Office before accounting is closed for the current year.

Contacting Section
Academic Development Section, Office of Research and Development 

Handling officer : Hsien-Hsu Lia

Extension: 62903

Frequently Asked Questions
:What are the categories of reimbursement available under this subsidy program?
A1:Subsidies may be utilized to pay publication related expenses (printing, reviewing, editing, and temporary staffing).

Q2:Are applicants for annual journal subsidies allowed to divide one procurement project into several projects?
A2:According to Article 6 of the Tendering Regulations of Central Government Entities for Procurement of a Value Not Reaching the Threshold for Publication, which states "An entity shall not circumvent these Rules by artificially dividing any procurement of a value not reaching the threshold...", annual procurement must be made on a consolidated basis.

Q3:What are the rules or procedures to be followed by recipients of NCCU subsidies for academic journal publication?
A3:In addition to submitting paper copies to the Library, recipients of NCCU subsidies for academic journal publication are required to upload electronically the journals to the NCCU Journal Database within six months of publication in order to make the journals available to NCCU faculty members and students.

Q4:What are the subsidy rates for academic journal printing?
A4:Please refer to Chapter 7 Rules Regarding Academic Journals and Subsidy Rates of the National Chengchi University Guidelines for Academic Research Subsidies.

Q5:When should an applicant apply for reimbursement for a subsidized journal approved in the current year?
A5:Recipients of academic journal publication subsidies in the current year are required to complete the reimbursement procedure at the Budget, Accounting and Statistics Office before accounting is closed for the current year.

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